Monday, May 12, 2008


Not like anyone ever looks at this blog, but I'm sorry for not posting anything. I haven't been feeling very creative lately.
I feel like the world is sucking all the life out of me.
I am an empty shell.
I'm sure all of you around me can tell that I am not all there. I swear it's not drugs. It's everything going on around me. I feel numb.
I can't react to anything with the appropriate emotion or enthusiasm.
It's mostly enthusiasm.

I feel like everything is slipping away.

Yesterday it was beautiful then I examined the sky and it was gloomy, but not a normal gloom. It looked produced. The matter in the sky was not normal overcast. I am breathing this stuff into my lungs and it's affecting me.

I think I might be going mad, and so are all the people close to me that I can identify with. I don't try to read to much into it, but this world is on the brink of some sort of untimely disaster.

1 comment:

belle said...

maybe it's just the age we are, "trying to find ourselves" as though they say...but, anyways it good to know I'm not the only one. thanx