Monday, August 11, 2008

Huntington Library

Saturday we went to the Huntington Library Gardens in Pasadena. It was completely on the fly and turned out to be a very productive photo day. These photos below are just a little of what I was able to upload. I know I said that I was going to stop shooting with digital, but my macro lens is so nice. It would be a waste not to use it at a garden. As you can tell I went kind of crazy with the close-up macro shots. I also shot pictures with my Holga but I have to wait to get those developed when I finish my five rolls, since I want to get them all done at one time to save me money. Matt also let me use his 12mm wide angle since I don't have one of my own. Wide angle is nice and gives an interesting effect.

The three pictures below were shot with the wide angle.

These are all shot with my 60mm macro

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